moo-bean permalink
September 1, 2010 1:13 am
hi again.i saw the new post.
this is actually my first time ever reading or commenting on a blog thing so i hope i haven’t taken up too much of your time or space…
thanks for CORRECTLY “assuming” that i am a Muslim and that i believe that Islam is the true religion as i didn’t actually say it in my posts
When i read the Qu’ran, i see it as a book of truth confirming truths in the books that came before it- the Bible and the Torrah -and countering the falsehoods within them. The fact that the Qu’ran is presented in it’s original language and text makes me feel even more confident that it has not been altered by “well-meaning editors” or anyone else for that matter. in my opinion, the bible has had many “potential opportunities” for things to be added to it or taken out of it, since it was, as u stated earlier, written in at least 3 different languages and by several contributers and then compiled into one book. Sometimes exchanging one word for a word that may be commonly used as a synomym for it, can completely change the entire meaning of a sentence or an entire text -wheather done intentionally or unintentionally…sometimes, all it would take would be a change in one letter!
Really, I just don’t understand why some poeple “stop short” in their worship. Why should I worship one who is created and has no power to create anything on their own when i can worship the One who created everything? I can easily acknowledge that Jesus was sent to mankind with a specific purpose- to tell us all to worship GOD. He brought the message and glad tidings to all who believe in the oneness of GOD -just as Abraham, Noah, & Moses did before him and Muhammad(PBUH) did after him. Every one of the messengers who i just mentioned were denied by their own people. Some thought they were crazy or that they were just making up stories but God’s command proved true against all who worshiped others besides Him. Jesus performed many “miracles” but ONLY thru GOD and by GOD’s command. God doesnt have any needs and He doesn’t have or need any “sons” or “daughters” or “partners.” I highly doubt that Jesus would actually ever say to mankind that he himself is GOD and that we should worship him!
Also, I believe that Islam is the true religion because I don’t believe that there should only be one day when we set aside time for God. i am not too proud to bow to Him with humility or to prostrate myself humbly before Him. I pray AT LEAST 5 times a day EVERYDAY and most of what i do in prayer is gloryify God, thank him for all the blessings He has bestowed on me, and ask Him to guide me and forgive my sins because i KNOW i’m not even close to being perfect. i’m human. i make mistakes and at times i’m tempted to do things that i know i should not do.
Yes, there are times when i may want something or feel that there is something that i need but all i have to do is ask God and I know that He hears me when I pray. I’ve seen so much proof of that. I would be a fool not to believe. My Qu’ran teaches that we as humans are far from perfect but God is merciful and forgiving to those of us who believe in Him,repent with sincerity, strive to do good and turn away from that which is evil. God never gives us more than we can bear. To me, that is a very wonderful and comforting thing. I believe that I am one of God’s MANY creations. When i look around me every single day i am amazed at how truely vast His creation is.
Anyway, i didn’t come on here to try to tell u what to believe. i was just curious to know why u belive what u do- just as u may have been curious to know why i believe as i do. the truth is, it may be that u and i will not see things eye to eye in this lifetime…but i feel i have done my duty -which is to convey the message so to you your religion and to me mine and i guess we’ll have to wait until the day of judgement to see which of us is on a path that is closer to God’s command. May God open your heart and guide you towards a straight path. May He help you to put your trust in Him and to depend on Him for all your needs. May bestow His wisdom and knowledge on you so that you may one day understand that there is only One God and that He alone is worthy of worship…
until then…peace
moo-bean permalink
August 31, 2010 6:24 am
hi again. got a couple more questions for you …
do you read and explore your “satanic sources” with an open mind?
if u do, isn’t that like letting satan have his way with your thoughts?
personally, whenever i read something that i wish to see the truth in, i first seek refuge with God from Satan and ask God to let me be able to sort truth from falsehood. i belive that God leads us to the truth… but some people refuse to see it. for example, i once met someone who’s parents were Satanists. If a child is brought up in a home where both his mother and father devoutly worshipped Satan, he might grow up to also worship as they do. But eventually, he might come to realize that the things his parents believed in were wrong or at least questionable. The person i met is now a pastor in a Christian church… anyway, it seems that some people don’t even know why they believe what they belive. they just do it because their parents and grandparents and great great grandparents did. Does that make it right? If you find truth in something different than what your parents or foreparents believed, isn’t an “upgrade” in order? For example-Correct me if i’m wrong but according to Christian, Jewish AND Islamic tradition, didn’t Abraham’s father worship idols? …. And yet look how he turned out
Do you believe in GOD, the One,Almighty, Most Powerful, All Knowing ,Creator of all things?
Do you believe in angels?
Do you believe that there are “books” that contain the word of God and that they are a guidance for people of faith?
Do you belive that there is a heaven and a hell and that we all have to answer to our deeds on the day of judgement?
Do you belive that God can and has sent people to remind us that He is Lord and that we should worship Him?…just curious.
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